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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Remember when...

The technology that we have available to us today is incredible. Just think about it...most of the people reading this blog can think back to the time before the internet and before cell phones. I remember getting the internet on my 386 IBM. It took 3 days to log on and half the time it would boot you off before you were able to get anything done.

And then cell phones. My first bag phone was the size of an overnight bag...but I don't remember losing calls like I do now...hmmm. Remember pagers? wow...and to think that we actually used pay phones at one time! My kids look at me funny when I tell them these things! It's hard to believe the advance in technology in just a few short years.

I think about the technology that I use everyday in church planting and how much more productive we are able to be because of it. Most of the items that we purchased for our church were purchased on the internet. Other amazing technology that we have available to us are...Our website, YouTube, MySpace, iTunes, Google, this blog, eNewsletters, email, eBay, Vonage, and of course...this cool gadget!

And then there are times that I wish it could all slow down for just a little bit. What would it be like if we were able to discipline ourselves to take one day each week where we say no cell phone, no email, no computer? Too much of a good thing can sometimes be a bad thing.

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