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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Next Level Leadership (Part 2 of 4)

Another area that we will work hard at in 2008 is creating an environment of creativity. We need to unleash people to color outside of the lines and to use their creativity to get to the next level. Therefore, you have my permission to...

Make lots of Mistakes

If you are not making mistakes, then you are not growing. Growth always involves risk. Risk often involves making mistakes. I'm not talking about major mistakes that could potentially put us out of business, but natural growth mistakes that happen when we try new things. I will never blast someone for making a mistake. We expect a certain percentage of them. We learn from them. Many great ideas are born through someone taking a risk. If your idea falls flat, no worries...move on.

Think over the top. 

I love people that bring crazy, over the top ideas to the table. I love sitting in a room with people that think creatively. Often times a creative idea brought to the table will spark another idea from someone else and before you know it, wham...there is a GREAT idea that can take us to the next level.

Let's reach our community for Christ in all kinds of creative ways!

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