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Thursday, August 16, 2007

10 Things That I Have Learned So Far in My Church Planting Experience!

1. I have learned how expensive planting a church really is.

2. I have learned that God is always faithful when I step out and take risks in obedience to Him.

3. I have learned the value of having several people that I respect to bounce ideas off of.

4. I have learned that it’s harder to gather the “un-churched” than I thought it would be.

5. I have learned that I can’t please everybody!

6. I have learned that I need to purposeful about spending time with my family. I can always plant another church, but I can’t plant another family.

7. I have learned that church planting is a team effort with my wife.

8. I have learned the importance of keeping the vision constantly in front of our team.

9. I have learned NOT to chase after other "Churched" Christians. If God leads some to us, I'm cautiously ok with it, but I won't chase after them.

10. I have learned to trust God to provide for us - from the people to the money. God is faithful!

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