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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Portable Pro's & Con's

We are a mobile church...a church without a permanent home. It comes with both pro's and con's. Let's look at them...

1. It helps us stay focused on "being the church". Relationships are stronger and our sense of mission is strong. Our view of
what church is, is "people", not "buildings".

2. There is a natural anti-polarizing effect when meeting in a school, or a theater, or any public place. It's neutral ground. It
challenges the view of what church is to the unchurched. Church buildings sometimes polarize "the Church" from "the
World" and the two don't naturally collide with each other.

3. It forces us to be resourceful and creative. How do you create atmosphere in a high school cafeteria. It takes work to
eliminate distractions and create an environment where people can come and meet God. It's amazing what curtains can

4. It raises the bar of commitment in the people who are serving. It takes a lot of commited people that are willing to show
up several hours before the service to set everything up and then tear everything down, for a service that lasts 1 hour and
15 minutes. The volunteers understand that without their hard work and commitment, we wouldn't be able to pull off
what we pull off.

5. It keeps us from being too comfortable. The more comfortable we are, the more complacent we become. It keeps us on
our toes, knowing that at any moment we might have to find a new meeting place.

1. It costs a lot of money to rent a school for a 1 hour and 15 minute meeting each week.

2. It costs even more money to have an office space or a place for ministry to happen during the week.

3. Unfortunately, sometimes your reputation as a viable church is measured by...if you have a building or not.

There are probably more pro's & con's, but these are the main ones for me.

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