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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Determining Values

We kicked off our sermon series called "Vision 08" where we are committing to seek the heart of God for the unique vision that he has for each of us.

Just so we have some framework to work with, here are the differences of vision, values, & mission...

Our Vision determines...What does God see in me?

Our Values determine...Who am I going to be?

Our Mission determines...How am I going to get there?

We'll talk about Mission tomorrow, but let's focus on determining our Values today.

In order to uncover your values, consider these 3 questions...

  1. What do I get passionate about in life? What keeps me awake at night? What do I dream about?
  2. How do I want to spend my time and money? or If time or money weren't an issue, where would I spend it?
  3. What do I want to be known for? At the end of my life I want people to say this about me?
Remember, our real values are when our behaviors match up with our stated values. Or simply put, when our walk matches our talk! Here is the good news...Even if your walk doesn't match your talk today, you can make a decision to line the two of them up right now!

With these questions answered, begin to write down 5-10 core values that describe you. This is hard work isn't it? is!

Let's end up somewhere on purpose in 2008!

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